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Tuesday, March 1, 2016

MATRIX- crucial rehearsals and metrics

Aretha Franklin prepared a lovely rendition of I will survive, so did I,

Some lively info about my work....

My own blog:

Serendipity wanted me to start a personal blog:  ma-serendipity.

 some people shared my entries...

1) My interest in The Far EAST:

Final Paper:  Mons en contacte: L'Educació com a factor de modernitat en  Asia Oriental (1870-1915)

i.e.  ... My interest in Korea:

2) My webquest - 


3) My learning interest on Language: ESL-filoxenia

from my self-learning project:

4) My self-learning project for EFL: autonomousenglishlearner

4.1. Experiences as a tutor/advisor (self-learning programmes)

  • UJI- Castelló.  Departament de Filologia Anglesa-  Asesorament de llengua anglesa al CAL (2001-03) 
  • Member of the Distance Learning Program -4t-5th level EOI (2000-2005)
  • Tutor at That's English EOI Castello (1993-95 and 1999-2002) - EOI Manresa (2009-12)

4.1. Experiences as a lecturer

* "Expressing yourself: Written production in the 5th level in the Official Language School", presented in the February 1995 at the I Seminar of English Teachers in the O.L.S. (90')* "Selection of Teaching materials for Speaking", presented in February 1995 at the Communicative Teaching Seminar held at Permanent Educational Center of Valencia. (3 h.)* "Towards Text Awareness" aimed at Secondary Schools, presented in December 1995 at the Cooperative Teaching Seminar held at Permanent Educational Center of Valencia. (90') * "Towards Text Awareness" aimed at High Schools, presented in December 1995 at the Cooperative Teaching Seminar held at Permanent Educational Center of Valencia. (90')
* “Reading & Writing techniques for A level teachers” presented in February-march 1996 at the Cooperative Teaching Seminar held at Permanent Educational Center of Valencia. (30 h.)
* “Motivation & Communication through Reading” February-march 1996 at the Certification of Pedagogic Training for English trainees held at Universitat Jaume I in Castelló (Spain) (2 h.)* “Criteria to select Speaking materials” , presented presented in April 1997 at the New trends in  Communicative Teaching Seminar held at Permanent Educational Center of Vinaròs  (3 h.)  

5) Other interests/Studies

  • Interest in the press:
Grau de llicenciatura amb la tesina "La llengua valenciana en la premsa del País Valencià. Una anàlisi d'actituds lingüístiques", Universitat de València (1991)
Subscriber of Prognosis -Prague

Regular reader of English-language European newspapers: 1990's
 Central Europe: The Warsaw Voice or  a literate weekly in The Prague Post.

  • Interest in translation:

Postgrade Course in Translation (200 h.) held at Universitat Jaume I in Castelló, 1992-93.

  • Interest in  language learning :
  • Government grant (Llicencia d'Estudis de la Gen. Valenciana)  to prepare reading material for upper-intermediate level: “Learning to read, willing to write/ A journey through Europe’s soul” (1995-96)
  • Master Course in Teaching Foreign Languages (540 h.) held at Valencian University, 1994-96.
  • Government grant (Llicencia d'Estudis de la Gen. Catalana)  to prepare material for the autonomous learner: 
    Tècniques per promoure l’autonomia

    en els alumnes a partir de 3r d’EOI (l’aprenentatge sempre és auto-aprenentatge” 
    (2006-07)  (DOGC n.43471, 17/7/2006) 

  • Interest in Sociology:
* Sociological course “Constructing human mind”  (60 h)  held at the 
      Sociological seminar of Barcelona 1995-96  and  1997-98
* Sociological course “On shame and (the feeling of) Guilty”  (30h) held at Morella Summer seminar 1996
  • Interest in the borders:
Eslovenia i Txèquia -  - L’autogovern en la Nova Europa. Eines per a la segona Transició - Ponent a   II jornades de l’Opinió Catalana

In Some books I've contributed:

- Coeditor i redactor del llibre de sociologia

La mort humana de Lluís V. Aracil,

Empúries (1998)

Portada de Premi John McDowell 1999. Premi a la innovació i la recerca en l'ensenyament de l'anglès com a llengua estrangera i del català com a primera o segona

Premi de didáctica John McDowell-1999 per innovació en l'ensenyament de l'anglès com a L2

pel treball A journey across a great new nation: Europe (2001)

  • 2) La Crítica Literaria a  Point Counterpoint de Aldous Huxley (Ribalta. Quaderns d'Aplicació Didàctica i Investigació).(3), 115-25, Castelló, 1991         
  • 3) La Paradoxa en The importance of Being Earnest d'Oscar Wilde  (Ribalta. Quaderns d'Aplicació Didàctica i Investigació).(5), 71-79, Castelló, 1992

6)  et caetera:

1) one novel:  The man who was thursday
2) Brave new world's  author - here
3) one historian:  Norman Davies - Oh Europe (1996)! -1.8 kg 
4) a film:  Casablanca (1941)

7) Other local activities with languages

- concurs d'oratòria en anglès de JCI Manresa -2010

- Tallers lingüístics - NOTTE Ludica - amb Ajunt. de Manresa- primavera 2006

Time ago:
* Coordinator of the Linguistic (French, Italian & English) Activities Program held by Vila-real City Council, Nov.'91-May'92.
* Teacher of Spanish to the Bosnian refugees in Vila-real, Winter 1993.

8) Other  bodies where i used my languages

CODA amb les muses:

Συγκλονιστική η Emilie Dequenne σ'αυτήν την ταινία, όπως και σε όλες τις άλλες που έχω δει!!! ....le film c'est magnifique! BRAVISSIMA e BELLISSIMA ! sorry i dont speak french but i will try to learn it!!!

I will survive by Émilie Dequenne in Pas son genre

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