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Saturday, May 4, 2013

volunteering at workcamps abroad

SCI-CATALONIA, cliqueu aquí

SCI Internacional

L'SCI Catalunya és una branca membre de ple dret de la xarxa internacional de l'SCI, amb 43 branques presents arreu del món
Un camp de voluntariat, o camp de treball, és un projecte de feina comunitària dut a terme per un grup d'entre 5 i 24 voluntaris i voluntàries de diferents nacionalitats durant un període entre 1 i 3 setmanes. 
 El treball del projecte té a veure amb valors com la solidaritat, el medi ambient, la justícia social o la pau i es col·labora entre 20 i 40 hores a la setmana. Durant el temps lliure es pot descansar, realitzar tallers o descobrir l'entorn, depenent del projecte i de la iniciativa del grup que el conforma.

  • La quota de participació a un camp és de 75 euros i cobreix despeses administratives, formació prèvia i assegurança.
  • Els camps estan reservats per als socis, però teniu la possibilitat de participar-hi fent-vos soci/sòcia en el moment de la inscripció. La quota de soci per un any és de 40€. Si no desitgeu fer més camps o participar d'altres activitats de l'SCI podeu donar-vos de baixa quan vulgueu. 

Working for Peace through Deeds not Words

Join an international WORKCAMP

"Volunteers in Siglufjöröur, Iceland. Celebrate after winning an event in an annual rowboat race"

Each year more than 5,000 volunteers participate in 2 to 3 week workcamps all over the world. Living and working together in an international group with people of various backgrounds and nationalities helps to break down barriers and prejudices between nations. You pay travel and we provide food, a place to stay, and the most amazing experience of your life.

  • Work with asylum seekers in Norway 

  • Help on an organic tea farm in Japan 

  • Hundreds of other opportunities in over 60 countries more...

Volunteer Work Camps

There are work camps all over Europe, usually related to construction, maintenance and restoration work of historically or culturally important sites, or even archeological excavations. Work camps are usually short-term volunteer projects that are geared toward students and take place during the summer, usually between two and four weeks. Since participants work under local supervision, no previous experience is necessary, regardless of the type of work. In general, work camps do not pay their participants, but room and board is usually provided for the duration of the program. Participants usually work during the week and have the weekends off for leisure and cultural activities.
Work camp participants usually work with local groups and under local supervision, which makes them a great opportunity to learn about the local culture and way of life. Also, as the name camp suggests, accommodation and living arrangements are camp-like and very group oriented. Accommodation is usually dormitory style, and food may be served in large dining tents. The social aspect of work camps is perhaps its best-known quality, as locals often work with volunteers from dozens of different countries. Since work camp volunteers come from a variety of different countries, working knowledge of the local language is not necessary, although it is helpful. 
Several organizations in the U.S. refer work camps in Europe, among them 
SCI-International Voluntary, and 
Volunteers for Peace (VFP) .

Volunteer Work and Vacations Abroad in Europe: An Overview
Volker Poelzl explores options for volunteer work in Europe while highlighting sample organizations, including those which offer volunteer vacations or work camps.
Volunteering at Organic Farms in Italy with WWOOF
Volunteer in Italy Inside a Tuscan Village: Converse in English, Receive Room, Board, and Transportation
Volunteer Vacations Working on a Farm in Europe with Association Dynamo, Ferme Cravirola
Volunteer in Europe with Nature Conservation Programs
Volunteer in Europe at a Youth Hostel
A Summer Job Volunteering in London with the Winant and Clayton Volunteer Program
Explore the U.K. as an Insider with The British Trust for Conservation Volunteers.
National Trust Holidays: Work with U.K. Locals for a Worthwhile Cause
A Volunteer Vacation in Britain with National Trust Working Holidays
Volunteer Work in the U.K with the Edinburgh Cyrenians
Volunteer Work at an Archeological Dig in Greece
Adventures Volunteering in "Wild" Greece
Preserving the Five Lands of Cinque Terre, Italy, as a Volunteer with the Italian Environmental Impact Assessment Center (EIA)
Volunteer in Spain and Make the Desert Green with Sunseed Desert Trust
Speak English? Volunteer in Spain
Work as Volunteer in France and Learn to Restore a French Village with La Sabranenque
Volunteer Workcamps in France with Volunteers For Peace
Volunteering in Ireland
Volunteer Work with Somali Refugees in Denmark

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