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Sunday, January 19, 2020

Red band society


seasons 1&2

There are some people in this world who face life head on, who know the true meaning of friendship, who take life’s knocks and get back up again and whose lives are powered by love. They are The Red Band Society. The Red Band Society laugh, cry, struggle and fail like all of us, but they do so with a special kind of intensity, which is why they live their lives twice as much as the rest of us.



  • Season 1 (13x45')
  • Season 2 (15x45')
The Red Band Society” is a story of friendship, overcoming obstacles and the will to live. The show puts the role of the doctors to one side and gives the leadership to the patients, kids aged between 8 and 17 who, despite their illness, have the same worries as any child their age and the same desire to laugh, fall in love and to discover new things. The ever present tenderness and sense of humour add a vitalistic tone to the series.

At Season 1, TRBS shows what life is like for six kids in hospital, how they settle in and how their stay at the centre will also change the lives of those around them, their families, the doctors and their friends.

At Season 2, two years have gone by. Most of the kids from Season1 have left the hospital, but some are still in and out of it. The RedBands share very powerful memories, some of them are painful ones and not everyone wants to remember. Friendship will be tested and new characters will arrive. Life goes on.

The series has been shot in a vitalistic tone that far from being sad, gives the viewer a sense of happiness, will to live and strength to overcome the problems that its characters possess.
The Red Band Society is a series for all audiences. The first Season is  completed (13x45min) the; second season (15x45') is now in-production and scheduled to be completed in the first quarter of 2013.

The leader. He turns 15 during the first season and has been at the hospital for two years. He has cancer and has had leg amputated. He shares a room with  another  boy with severed leg. 
The second leader (who would be the leader if the leader weren't there). He arrives at the hospital in the first episode. He is 14 years old. He has cancer and has to have a leg amputated. He's in love with the girl. 
The girl. She lives on a different floor. She suffers from anorexia. During the first season, she debates whether she is in love with one or the other. 
The handsome one. He is admitted to the hospital after fainting on the playground. At first, he doesn't want to make friends, but as it becomes clear that he will be hospitalized for some time he joins the society. 
The clever one. He is the oldest of the society, but he seems like a young child. He has Asperger's syndrome, which makes him seem a bit odd. He arrives at the hospital because of a motorcycle accident. 
The indispensable one. The kid of the group. He is in a coma after jumping off a diving board. His mother visits him frequently and speaks to him. He has a special relationship with Toni because he can communicate with him despite being in a coma. He

serves as the show's narrator.

The red Band society __ final chapter (english subt)

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